Are You a Victim of Lead Poisoning?
Helping Victims Who Have Suffered From Lead Poisoning Lead poisoning is a serious disease that can cause terrible, long term damage to a child that will continue into adulthood. Although awareness of lead paint has helped combat the occurrences of lead related disease, lead poisoning still remains a significant problem. According to the latest Center … Continued

Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure
Mesothelioma, Asbestos Exposure, and Diagnosis Mesothelioma is a particular form of cancer that forms on the protective lining of many organs in the body. The only strongly linked cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Due to this, a diagnosis of mesothelioma means that somewhere in the course of a person’s life, he or she was … Continued
Statute of Frauds
There is something in the common law of contracts called the Statute of Frauds This requirement of the law has a long history that has developed over time. It is a requirement that some agreements must be memorialized by a writing. Here are examples of agreements that must have a writing and I am being brief … Continued
Theories of Products Liability
There are many theories of product liabilities Theories of product liabilities are fact specific to the human made product that caused the injury. The theories that can be plead in a complaint include and are not limited to: Strict products liability: this is a duty owned to consumers or bystanders who are effected and injured … Continued
How to Determine If You Have a Case for Personal Injury
Basic principles of negligence involving claims for personal injury So many people who are injured wonder if they have a case. There is no blanket answer to this question, as each case is fact specific, and it is important to speak to a lawyer. In New York State, we have a large body of law … Continued
Do You Have an Injury from a Prior Accident?
Injuries obtained from prior accidents If you have had a prior accident, be it a prior construction accident in which you had a New York City lawyer, and subsequently a trip and fall in the Bronx or from an automobile accident in Brooklyn – if this is of the same region of your present injury … Continued
Construction Accidents and Iron Workers
After graduating from law school, I had to get a job to cover his law school expenses I am not averse to working hard no matter what I have to do. I know about hard work. Most law students never worked in the real world in a hard working physical job. I can tell you that school … Continued

Birth Trauma
Birth Trauma Is One of the Most Devastating Events That Can Happen to a Family What should be joyous celebration in life instead becomes tragic and heartbreaking. If you are a parent of an injured newborn, you will understandably want to know if anything went wrong during the delivery and what can be done for … Continued
Rules of Evidence in a Personal Injury Trial
The most important consideration for a Judge is to determine if evidence is relevant What makes a fact relevant if it tends to prove a fact that is substantive of the truth of a case and necessary to the black letter law. Also facts tend to impeach or support the credibility of a witness. This … Continued