Are You a Victim of Lead Poisoning?

Helping Victims Who Have Suffered From Lead Poisoning

Lead poisoning is a serious disease that can cause terrible, long term damage to a child that will continue into adulthood.  Although awareness of lead paint has helped combat the occurrences of lead related disease, lead poisoning still remains a significant problem.  According to the latest Center for Disease Control statistics, in the year 2009 there were 189 confirmed cases of lead poisoning in Bronx County, 96 cases in New York County, 284 cases in Queens County and 515 cases in Kings county (Brooklyn).  It is clear that lead poisoning remains a problem in New York.  When you or your child suffers a lead related injury, it is important to seek a lawyer to understand your rights and plan how your family can move forward while coping with this terrible disease.

Sources of Lead Poisoning in New York

Lead poisoning often comes from the ingestion of lead paint.  In older homes and apartments, lead paint may peel from the walls and fill the home with lead laden dust and paint chips that a child may attempt to eat.  Other sources of lead exposure include consumer products such as toys, jewelry, furniture, and kitchenware.  Lead may also be brought into the household on clothing worn at certain at-risk workplaces.  Children have the highest risk for lead poisoning because they are quickly growing and developing, which leads to higher lead absorption and higher susceptibility to the damages caused by lead.  These damages are often irreversible.  Discussing your options with your doctor and the right lawyer can help you determine your best course of action after a lead source is revealed in your home.

Lead Poisoning and the Human Body

Lead can have devastating effects on the human body.  Lead poisoning is particularly sinister because there are often no immediate symptoms, so a person or child can be dangerously exposed without any knowledge.  Some of the long term symptoms of lead poisoning include neurological disorders (brain damage), cardiovascular damage (including heart problems), musculoskeletal problems, ocular (eye), renal (kidney) or reproductive issues.  Developmental disorders also often occur in children, including attention deficit disorder, behavioral problems, aggressiveness, and poor academic achievement.  Because these effects are so severe, it is vitally important that you seek out a lawyer to protect the rights of you or your child and help obtain the compensation needed to provide medical assistance for life.  Manuel Moses, Esq. is a New York lawyer who can help your family through this difficult hurdle in life.

Lead Poisoning and New York Law

In New York, a landlord can be liable for lead poisoning if lead is present in the rental property.  New York City law also requires a landlord to inquire whether a child under six resides in the apartment and requires a landlord to ensure lead hazards are removed.  If these lead hazards, including lead paint, are not properly removed, lead poisoning may also be the fault of the contractor hired to do the removal.  New York law defines procedures for lead removal that must be followed by the contractor or building owner.  It is also the responsibility of the doctor or hospital you or your child visits to test for lead under certain conditions and report any lead exposure to the local authorities.  By finding a good New York lawyer and holding these parties responsible, victims of lead poisoning may be able to pay for medical expenses, future special needs, loss of future earnings, and other consequences.

Additionally, if you believe that you or your child suffered a lead poisoning injury, it is important to seek a lawyer without delay.  In some cases, timing can be an issue, and taking too long to act may result in the loss of a claim.  This is especially true if the defendant is the State of New York, City of New York, or another municipality.  This is because a Notice of Claim must be served when suing the government.  Generally, this must be served within 90 days of injury to have a claim against a New York entity.

Manuel Moses, Esq. is a New York lawyer who can assist with seeking monetary damages and the justice that your family deserves.  You can contact Manuel Moses for a free consultation 212-736-2624, extension 11.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page constitutes formal legal advice and you are strongly urged to consult a lawyer about your injury and potential law suit.