Construction Accidents and Iron Workers

After graduating from law school, I  had to get a job to cover his law school expenses

am not averse to working hard no matter what I have to do. I know about hard work. Most law students never worked in the real world in a hard working physical job. I can tell you that school is totally different from a real world job. Not that it is easy, because you come out of the library night after night and see those late night stars. But about getting up super early, no – as in the real world. You first class starts at a normal time. It is a relaxed environment, and not a work hustle environment. That is why I loved school.

I used to work as a highway repairer

I know about hard work. I am a pro union person. I am sure there are few lawyers if any who used to build NYC roads and fill pot holes who are now practicing law in New York. I am not boasting. I am only bringing out a point. I am for the working man. I am for the working man who is injured and has lost so much. I understand. It is who you are. It is what you have to do and have done for years. I got that in a big way.
But I was different, when I worked for DOT. I used to love to listen to books on tape as I drove an asphalt dump truck carrying 20 tons of asphalt. I used to love school and to learn. This is why I did my Masters Degree in political science at night, and also post graduate work at the CUNY Graduate Center in Human Rights and Civil Liberties before I went to law school.

While studying for the bar, I was hired to work for a construction company

I got a job working for a company that would bid out jobs and do the steel building erection for schools and hospitals.I used to help the engineer do the take offs (so he could estimate jobs), by counting the number of beams and moment connections on the large blue prints.

I understand how hard iron workers work, and many of you other construction workers who are working from a height

How you help to make America the best of what it is and can be. I understand how bad it is if you or someone you know have a bad fall. In fact many of you probably have had falls or injured your back and got up and started to work again. But that is not always the case… Look – I know you guys are tough, and bending over, turning a wrench some couple of hundred times a day on those beams. But this is what I also know. Just like my dad who was a working man, and could make a sledge hammer sing, you are not made of iron. You may build with iron but you are not made of iron.

If you have had a construction accident you need good representation

You need an attorney who will calculate your economic and non-economic damages. Your economic damages are based on your past wages, and your lost future wages. This is done by an economic expert. This loss can include loss of pension benefits and loss of social security income and distilled down to present value for a jury to appreciate and calculate as damages should you get an award. Economic damages can also include the cost of rehabilitation, medical care and treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and other therapies.

Non economic damages following an accident

Your non-economic damages are your pain and suffering, scaring, maiming, and loss of bodily movements or loss of consortium which means loss of intimacy with your spouse, which may mean you spouse can have a claim as well. A jury needs to appreciate and calculate all your damages, should you get an award at trial. Even before trial these damages are crucial to calculate your total claim for possible settlement.

There are highly specific laws that protect you, and I would welcome an opportunity to discuss your case at no obligation to you in a free consultation

I am here to listen and here to help. Manuel Moses, Esq. 236 West 26th Street Suite 303, New York, New York 10001 (212) 736-2624 x11.

Nothing in this blog is intended to be formal legal advice you are urged to consult a qualified attorney for guidance of your construction accident or personal injury case.